Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blogger's Block?

I tried with all my might a few nights ago to write a blog--but everything I started out to write all sounded like crap. I feared that this might be the beginning of a trend. Maybe this was just the end of this blogging attempt. Leave it to a drunk to take one instance as a permanent never-ending fact.

The following morning, the same thing sort of happened at the 6:30am meeting at the Concord Fellowship: after his chair the guy gave a topic that could easily expound upon for hours. But that morning? Nothing. Nada. Zip. I was afraid that he was going to call on me and for the first time ever, the words "thank you for your chair, but I think I'm just going to listen today..." were going to pass my lips.

No such luck, he left me alone to my blank thoughts. It was good to listen.

Tonight, I'll start trying to put into written word what's occupying my gray matter as it relates to recovery. We'll see what happens.

Take care!

Mike L.

1 comment:

robin ann mcintosh said...

I am always a huge fan of whatever you write, even if you write about not wanting to write...

every morning I take out three sheets of paper and write free hand for thirty minutes. at the end of the week, when I have a neat little pile of yellow pages, I throw them away or burn them... with out reading anything.

it helps! it helps push me through my blocks and find my center again.

we are driven by a hundred forms of fear, my friend, and one of the fears can manifest in the page.

hope you get out of it soon!